Swift Bitcoin – Full node library

Jul 25, 2023 • Announcements

Introducing: The Swift Bitcoin Library

Swift Bitcoin aka The Swift Bitcoin Library is a new project intended for Swift developers who want to build a bitcoin product.

Apple Platforms

Being the language of the App Store it should come as a surprise that xOS bitcoin apps need to rely on non-Swift libraries for their implementation.

Server Side

With first-class support for actors and structured concurrency, open-source Swift is more than suitable for building services like full nodes or desktop wallets. Whether running on Linux or on the Mac, a pure Swift package with virtually no additional dependencies is the ideal foundation for green-field software development.

Bitcoin Core Cryptography

Good bitcoin devs know not to roll their own crypto. That is why Swift Bitcoin leverages the power of Core's secp256k library. Thanks to Swift's best-in-class C and C++ interoperability, this integrations is as tight as it can be, leaving no room for devastating errors.


While the efforts to build out the library are ongoing, a great deal of research has already taken place over the past 12 months. The focus will now switch to ensuring a clear, idiomatic API along with accurate and complete DocC documentation as well as full unit test quality coverage. I will personally do my best to develop the library in the open while accepting help from knowledgable plebs.